The Marketing Scientist
The Marketing Scientist is an agency that uses the right mix of art and science to acquire the right users for its clients. With a specialty in political campaigns, The Marketing Scientist uses online marketing strategies to target the right people and scale up online user acquisition.
certifications Badges For
Areas of Expertise
Years Certified
Diamond Certification
S: 2020/05/29, E: 2021/05/29
What makes us unique
Three things: We Obsess Like Maniacs; We Professionalize Your Marketing Operations; We Do Grey Opswhite label your work
NoBusiness Stats
Number of PPC experts
Secondary Ad Platform(s)
Certified PPCs who PPC for this Agency:
Morgan is an expert in the implementation of ideas. He is the CEO and founder of The Marketing Scientist, an agency that focuses on online user acquisition. He has worked on numerous projects including the launching of websites, writing a couple of bestsellers, and strategizing for political campaigns in Latin America.